Inspiration Happens in Chaos

Inspiration happens in chaos! That’s why finding the time and energy to pursue a passion project is worth the challenge, especially when you already have a full plate. If you are like me, juggling the responsibilities of a demanding job along with family needs, volunteering, and all the other life ‘things’ that need our focus, the dream of writing a book may seem out of reach. However, with determination and careful planning, it is possible to find inspiration. I’ve found these key steps help me to stay on the path or at least hop back on it when I get pushed off!

1. Time Management:

One of the biggest challenges faced by aspiring authors is the scarcity of time. Balancing a full-time job and life responsibilities can leave little time for personal pursuits (like querying agents! gulp). To overcome this, it is crucial to prioritize and manage time effectively. But we all know that, right? Knowing is infinitely easier than doing. However, consider creating a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for writing. Be consistent and disciplined, even if it means sacrificing leisure activities temporarily. (like Instagram scrolling for longer than a hour….cough, cough)
Me at my computer in my home office.

2. Setting Realistic Goals:

When pursuing multiple commitments, it’s important to set realistic goals for writing a book. Understand that progress may be slower compared to those who have more time to dedicate solely to writing. Break down the writing process into achievable milestones and celebrate each small victory. Remember, quality work takes time, and it’s essential not to compromise on excellence. Even in the middle of our current chaos, writing down our ideas, character sketches, or dialogue scenes can help us to feel that we are moving toward our goal…at our own pace.

3. Maximizing Productive Moments:

Look for opportunities to write during moments that may otherwise be unproductive. Utilize your lunch breaks, commute time, or spare moments throughout the day to jot down ideas, outline chapters, or revise sections. By making the most of these pockets of time, you can make steady progress on your book without feeling overwhelmed. The Notes app is wonderful for this. Sometimes I will jot down a sentence (or tell my Aussie assistant, Siri, to make the note). I’ve even text or emailed myself, and written on napkins. Inspiration knows no convenience and thrives in chaos.

4. Seek Support and Accountability:

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support and accountability. Share your goals and challenges with understanding friends, family, or writing groups who can provide encouragement and hold you accountable. Consider forming a writing or accountability group where members share their progress, provide feedback, and keep each other motivated. I cannot begin to gush over one of the relationships that I found by joining a writing group a while back. She has become a friend and writing buddy! She is going to be famous author one day and I will be the first to cheer her on. (Shout out to YOU, Nicole!) 

5. Self-Care and Balance:

Maintaining a balance between all the ‘things’ and writing is essential for success and personal well-being. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care and avoid burnout. Make time for relaxation, exercise, and quality time with loved ones. Remember, taking care of yourself will fuel your creativity and help you excel in all areas of your life. For those with ‘little’s’ in the home. I see you! I…See…You! Do what you can. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and we are all in it together. (Not wearing a tutu tho…that’s a no for me, dog. But you-do-you-boo!)


Writing a book while working full time and taking care of all the things is undoubtedly challenging, but it is not impossible. By practicing effective time management, setting realistic goals, utilizing productive moments, seeking support, and maintaining a healthy balance, you can pursue your passion for writing with excellence. Remember, the journey may be demanding, but the rewards of one day completing a book (squeal!) while excelling in other areas of your life are immeasurable.

Check out this article:

Writer’s Digest: 7 Reasons Inspiration Matters to Writers



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