Tammy S Adams


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Dogs are the best!

You Are Going To Be Okay

I’m going to be straight with you because authenticity is vital. I had suicidal thoughts during the last months of my crumbling marriage. No one knew about them except Jesus. He saw what I was thinking and the plans I was formulating, and I will praise Him forever for intervening.

If They Look Broken

Raise your hand if you often find yourself trying to fix everything and everyone around you. Do you dive headfirst into friendships, trying to mend them, suddenly taking responsibility for their changing moods, and trying to help them navigate the hurts caused by others? Don’t!

The Writing Journey

Once upon a time, I thought that a writer sat at their table with pen and paper or at their desk with fingers on keys, pouring out their thoughts. Maybe it would be challenging to find an agent, but once one believed in them and their project, they’d be on the downhill – whooshing by the next steps while the agent nimbly guided.

-Insert screeching halt right here.-

Inspiration Happens in Chaos

With determination and careful planning, it is possible to find inspiration. I’ve found these key steps help me to stay on the path or at least hop back on it when I get pushed off!

Celebrate Recovery

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a cycle of making the same mistakes over and over again, despite your sincere intentions never to repeat them? It can be frustrating, discouraging, and even disheartening. You are not alone. Many people face similar struggles, (It’s me – I’m one of the ‘people’)

The Stagecoach

Most of the men chewed tobacco, and those who occupied centre seats had to exert considerable skill to spit clear of the other passengers. Americans are generally adepts in this art, but we had one or two unskilful professors, although it must be admitted that they had hardly a fair opportunity of showing off their proficiency, from the jolting of the coach.

The Beauty of Imperfection

But we serve a God who defines perfection in a different way. A God who created crooked trees and knobby knees and flightless birds, and calls it all good.


Sneak Peek:

His Voice

“Ye did warn us ‘at ye were recoverin from an illness but, Lassie, a wee mair detail wuid hev helped.” Michael slid her a grin that made her blush and scramble for the side of the coach seat to pull herself up.

His Voice Character Sketch
